A research and learning tool for sharing information and ideas. This is a private blog for students of Intermedia I with Nicole Pietrantoni.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Microgrants- apply now!

Hi friends,

Last month was the third coffee microgrant. In case you're new to this, I drink coffee everyday. I used to drink it at cafes, for about $2 a cup. About $60 of my monthly income disappeared to coffee, never to be missed. Now I make it at home, and for each day that I do not buy coffee at a cafe, I set aside $2 for a microgrant. In March, I traveled a lot and therefore bought a lot of coffee. I drank coffee out 10 times, leaving $42 to go to this grant and to you, dear friend.

If you applied before, your application is still on file, and it will be considered again. If not, send me a paragraph telling me what you'd do with the money (it need not be art, it can be anything). If you get chosen, I'll send you a check and the next time we're in the same city, we'll grab coffee and talk about what you did with the $$.

In February, I gave the money to Aaron Strong to buy licensing software for a rad map-making program. His blog of maps are online here: http://sensefromplace.blogspot.com/

Please send your proposals by the 10th (sorry its so soon!)


p.s. pass this around, if you know someone who is doing cool stuff that I should fund, pass them the email.

Katie Hargrave

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