A research and learning tool for sharing information and ideas. This is a private blog for students of Intermedia I with Nicole Pietrantoni.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Absurd Journey for Cyprian Alexzander: Hunting And Gathering

© 2009 Cyprian Alexzander

Life is like this. Sometimes you are expected to pull the one ton Lincoln with just a tow chain and a little encouragement. This is the shotgun approach to my reality (I tried to filter some of it).

A Little Statement From The Unsure Artist:

I see the path to living pointing the life ship towards the future star. I'm not afraid of the past, I just hate Disney-pandering nostalgia of unreal youth expectations. The pot-tards wear me out. The beer besotted legions frustrate me. I want the real on the street deal. I want to feel the emotions that are out there not some hot house construction. I want to be the drug that you can trip on. I hear the music as sight, I see the visual as sound, I am touched by angels in sound and vision. May we all be touched. Sometimes I like to sleep because my dreams are more real and tangible than my reality. I'd like to awake with the world. Maybe put it through the juicer a few times first.

The Big Questions:

• What current event or news headline do you find yourself paying attention to lately?

The morass of intellectual property laws throttling the healthy growth of our culture and mind.

• If you had to pick an ecological or environmental issue that concerns you, what would it be?

The loss of urban ecology to demolition and instant whipped glass and steel buildings.

• What social or community-related issue engages you?

The death of music and performance venues and the kudzu vine strangling of karaoke and DJ's.

• Is there a medical or health-related issue that you find yourself thinking about?

Oh God! Somebody here want to be my new therapist? Pass the psychotropic medication. National Health single payer health or bust (my cat wants to be fed).

It isn't that I am blind, but we've recognized that the haves love to subjugate the have-nots and use the marginalized to frighten the unsatisfied into compliance of the master plan. I see all the leaves every day on the news and on the streets, but what about the root? Do we deserve to exist if we can't figure out that we need to treat each other as we would want to be treated? Has anybody spoke about that lately?

Sometimes I can't look at the big questions and right the big wrongs. Sometimes I have enough of struggle being me and overcoming my mental illness. Sometimes I must work to maintain my own self.


What I see about myself:

I am a pulsing nova with infrequent bursts of real creativity and many moments of just being a cohesive collection of cosmic dust and a desire to exist.

I see it all as absurd.

I don't see the boundaries between music, visual and motion art.

I am like free jazz, I improvise.

I am like good free jazz, I improvise but I develop that which freedom reveals.

I am kinetic.

I like kinetic experiences.

I am attracted to kinetic experiences, kinetic music that has movement, kinetic visuals, kinetic kinetic.

I am stationary.

I have a voice.

I really dig big things projected on walls.

I am a private person and believe do but don't trumpet.

I want to:

Transform the future

Transform myself

Channel the electricity tomorrow

Employ the good to make more good

Find the real

Experience the real

Connect the dots inside my mind and in the periphery of my vision.

Manifest my mind

Sound more selfish

Share more worlds and grow my mine

Avoid the plastic Bettys.

I don't want to:

Shine you on

Make the plastic any more shiny than it already is

Go explicitly to those places that are private to me



My thoughts on Facebook (because it bugs me and no one else gets why):

Is the mediocre middle where gray mud squishes

A Trap

A one-size all fits condo

Shadows of reality condom

Poor substitute for everything else

Fetid playground enculturing anal expulsive communications

You fit into it, where's the fun in that?


Places I like to go:

Where Harry Smith went to draw upon his animations and develop his ear:

Where Moondog became a Viking:

Where the Captain Beefheart mind still plays:

Where the time boat connects me to you and you to me and me to him and him to me and me to her and her to me:

Where the G-force Visualizer visualizes the inside of my mind:

next time I'm hand-coding the html.

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