A research and learning tool for sharing information and ideas. This is a private blog for students of Intermedia I with Nicole Pietrantoni.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Project #2

Okay. Well I was having a hard time trying to figure out what to do for this project.. what could I put together to make a different meaning? So I was looking around my room just daydreaming and my eyes landed on my converse shoes. Thus, an idea is born.

I don't know how anybody else feels about these shoes, but I know I think a certain way about them. They just represent certain things.. to me.

A little history of these excellent shoes:
Chuck Taylor (basketball dude) chose them as his preferred footwear during the game and this is when they became popular. People wore them in the colors of their favorite teams.

In 1950's became popular in the greaser subculture.

Late 1970's converse came into the punk rock scene. The Ramones are seen wearing them.

1990's grunge.. but still rockers. Nirvana and Rage Against the Machine.

That's all I have for history.

But to me, Chucks are a symbol and expression of individuality and rebelliousness. They represent free thinkers.. or at least they did. Now they're an overused fad.

Okay I've gathered a few pictures of converse in different settings. Each has a different context.. but I guess it's up to you to decide what they mean. Perception and all that jazz.

My friend Ashliys sisters wedding picture.

Thats me.. really blurry (I took a picture of a picture) sorry.

And.. yeah!

1 comment:

  1. This is a really cool idea for a project! It would be interesting to find more pictures of Chucks in other situations, too. Like worn by important people or by people involved in important historical events.
    I like how you point out that they used to be a symbol of rebellion and now they're kind of a worn out fad. It's also interesting to track the corporate evolution of Converse over the course of its lifetime. They are now sort of the poster children for unfair corporate practices and sweatshop labor. And yet, because people still love the design so much, other companies thrive on mimicking the design, but use fair practices. Check out No Sweat shoes.
    I like pieces that spark all kinds of other thoughts about one thing or another. Good job!
